Friday, September 10, 2010

I Know Who I Am

Hello and thank you for reading my very first post on my blog.  I've always thought about creating a blog, but never seriously considered it until a friend of mine (Mrs K) created one and encouraged me to do the same.  So here I am, writing to, well, space.  Feels kind of weird! Well, I guess I should start off by stating the focuses of my blog:

-Seeking God in every situation and seeing Him in all things
-Weight loss
-Maintaining relationships (of all types)

If you have ever met me, the first word you would probably use to describe me is bubbly or jubilant or joyful...any of those fluffy words, lol.  The truth is, I probably used that as a pretty good mask.  I had a lot of pain, depression and self-hate hidden deep for quite awhile.  Yup, those were past-tense verbs I used there.  I'm grateful to say that those days, hours, minutes are behind me...praise God!  I've discovered that I was wonderfully and fearfully made (Psm 139:14).  I've always read that I was, but didn't believe it until earlier this year.  I'll go further into detail on how this came to pass on future posts...because honestly, I still don't have the words for it.  I'm just still in awe of what God is doing in my life at this moment, I can't quite articulate it!  Just know for now, that I AM truly bubbly and jubilant and more masks, no more pain, no more fear.  I know who I am and I LIKE it! :-)


  1. First of all, congrats on your first post. I'm so excited that you joined :)! Also, you covered up your pain well--I know that you have a good heart so I'm not sure if you did that to protect others and yourself. I'm sorry that you faced all that pain and depression and I could not be a source of strength for you. You have been for me with your explosive laughter, warmth and magnetic personality. I'm glad that you are finally at peace :) By the way, I'm definitely following!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement and being my first follower, Mrs K! I think I didn't tell most people, well really, almost everyone because I didn't want people to be too concerned. Yeah, I guess it was to protect others more than myself. I was able to live with myself in that mode, but I don't think I could take everyone else knowing and having to live with it too. But it's definitely in the past and I'm moving forward! :-)
